Achieve Your Career Goals

We'll guide you through every step of your
career journey. New grads and pros welcome.

Our Career Service Programs

100% offer rate, and 98.7% of our clients work in main stream top companies

Job Search Master

Continue the job search until you secure a satisfying offer

  • Career Consulting
  • Resume Writing
  • Cover Letter Revision
  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization
  • Interview Training 101
  • Job Application Service
  • Unlimited Job Referrals
  • Industry Knowledge Learning Guidance
  • Interview Preparation
  • Offer Review and Salary Negotiation
  • Background Check Support
  • Probation Period Guidance and Continual Support
  • Access to Eggdemy Career Community

Job Search Partner

Your steadfast partner until you secure a satisfying offer

  • Career Consulting
  • Resume Writing
  • Cover Letter Revision
  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization
  • Job Application Training and Referrals
  • Interview Preparation
  • Offer Review and Salary Negotiation
  • Background Check Support
  • Probation Period Guidance and Continual Support
  • Access to Eggdemy Career Community

Questions about our services?

Book a call with our client advisory team

How Our Service Programs Work

Step-by-step guidance to help you get hired!

Continue the job search until you find a satisfactory job

Provides comprehensive support throughout your entire job search journey, ensuring
persistence until you secure a satisfactory job offer.

Week 1

Do you know your dream job? What are your career goals? We'll plan everything out and get you started in our one-on-one meeting!

We'll meet again to plan your career in more detail. We'll identify your skills and experience gaps so you can become the perfect candidate.

Week 2

Your new resume targets your dream role! Get another one-on-one session to go over all the improvements.

Your new LinkedIn profile is ready! It's built around your target role, so you can start networking to get hired.

Discover the secrets of successful interviews. Learn vital interview skills compiled by over a hundred HR professionals and recruiters.

Build your professional online job search profile on platforms like Indeed, Monster, and top employers' career sites. Expose yourself to hiring managers and recruiters.

Week 3

We'll take your new resume and apply for or refer you to our employer connections with 60+ niche jobs each week! Each application precisely targets your perfect role.

Lack industry knowledge? Unsure of where and what to learn? Our industry experts will help you rapidly boost your skills and knowledge while waiting for interviews.

Week 4+

We'll train you to make it past the first round of interviews. We will help you analyze the job description, prepare answers to common interview questions, and conduct one-on-one mock interview practice.

Our industry mentors, who are experts in your target roles, will share valuable hands-on industry knowledge, predict technical interview questions, and help you prepare answers.

This time, focus on landing the job with a late-stage mock interview. Answer real interview questions from your target role and prepare questions to ask.

We're here to support you! Have additional questions? Need more guidance or motivation? We'll check in with you every day to ensure your job search is going well.

Week 10+

Our HR experts assist you in negotiating salary and benefits, guide you through understanding the offer, and ensure you comprehend the terms before signing to eliminate any potential pitfalls.

Your lead consultant provides full support throughout the background check process, reducing unnecessary hassle and anxiety to ensure a secured offer.

Week 13+

With our HR experts and career consultants by your side, we're here to help you navigate the uncertain waters of your probation period successfully.

Join a group of young professionals like yourself, attend career development events, and network with industry professionals such as HR, recruiters, and hiring managers.

Your guide through key job search stages

Providing you with support at every job search stage, including resume writing, interview securing, and interview preparation, supercharging your job search within 90 days.

Week 1

Do you know your dream job? What are your career goals? We'll plan everything out and get you started in our one-on-one meeting!

We'll meet again to plan your career in more detail. We'll identify your skills and experience gaps so you can become the perfect candidate.

Week 2

Your new resume targets your dream role! Get another one-on-one session to go over all the improvements.

Your new LinkedIn profile is ready! It's built around your target role, so you can start networking to get hired.

Discover the secrets of successful interviews. Learn vital interview skills compiled by over a hundred HR professionals and recruiters.

Build your professional online job search profile on platforms like Indeed, Monster, and top employers' career sites. Expose yourself to hiring managers and recruiters.

Week 3

We will instruct you in essential job search skills and provide access to Eggdem's job application management tools, facilitating efficient job search management.
We will actively refer you to our network of employers and recruiters, ensuring you gain valuable interview opportunities. Each referral is directed straight to HR or the hiring manager.

Lack industry knowledge? Unsure of where and what to learn? Our industry experts will help you rapidly boost your skills and knowledge while waiting for interviews.

Week 4+

We'll train you to make it past the first round of interviews. We will help you analyze the job description, prepare answers to common interview questions, and conduct one-on-one mock interview practice.

Our industry mentors, who are experts in your target roles, will share valuable hands-on industry knowledge, predict technical interview questions, and help you prepare answers.

This time, focus on landing the job with a late-stage mock interview. Answer real interview questions from your target role and prepare questions to ask.

We're here to support you! Have additional questions? Need more guidance or motivation? We'll check in with you every day to ensure your job search is going well.

Week 10+

Our HR experts assist you in negotiating salary and benefits, guide you through understanding the offer, and ensure you comprehend the terms before signing to eliminate any potential pitfalls.

Your lead consultant provides full support throughout the background check process, reducing unnecessary hassle and anxiety to ensure a secured offer.

Week 13+

Join a group of young professionals like yourself, attend career development events, and network with industry professionals such as HR, recruiters, and hiring managers.

Ready to make your dream job a reality ?

At Eggdemy, career progress shows up when you do. We’re here to guide you from where you are to the workplaces you want to be.


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