Career Consulting
‍Let's find your perfect fit

You’re a perfect fit somewhere. Let’s find out where. Work with us to build your dream career!

Career Consulting

Let our network of industry specialists show you the way to your breakout role.

Identify your dream job
Develop your career strategy‍
Consult with an industry pro

How it works

Learn about which industries and roles best suit you, and how you can identify your skills and experience gaps to become the perfect candidate.

Complete our Know Yourself Questionnaire (KYQ) to share your career aspirations, experiences, and skills. This is the first step in tailoring our services to your needs.

After reviewing your KYQ, we'll get in touch via email to arrange your initial consultation, setting the stage for your personalized career development plan.

Engage in a comprehensive discussion with our career consultant to explore your background, job search priorities, and career expectations in detail.

Complete the Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ) for an in-depth analysis of your work preferences and how they align with potential career paths.

Review your OPQ results and revisit your KYQ in a strategic session with our MIRS. We'll identify skill gaps and outline actionable steps towards securing your ideal job.

Equip yourself with a personalized career guide, crafted from insights gained in your consultations, to navigate the path to your career goals with confidence.

Career Consulting Benefits

Learn from the best

We have the strategies. We know the job search. Work with our recruiters to identify your dream job and learn how to get there.

Get lifetime support

  Got career questions? Join Eggdemy Mentorship Group. Connect with mentors and peers for ongoing career insights and support.

No experience required

  No experience or background required. All students, new grads, and new immigrants welcome.

Our Clients now work at

Your dream career starts here

Let our network of industry specialists show you the way to your breakout role and dream career!



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